Wow this sounds interesting, just I don't know how do you plan to make it happen, if game will be high action then and you need to use mouse to aim how are you going to move through space? Right mouse key to rotate camera and WASD to move? Left mouse click to use abilities? Do we really need to use slash like in the middle of the screen for it to work or you just need to use pattern anywhere on the screen for it to be registrated like if you need to make X sign does it need to be in the middle of the screen or you will be able to use it anyway making game calculate what you meant? What if there are similar patterns, which one will game first use or you are planing to make it like, you clicked key 3( ability 3 is activated) and now make pattern? Or it will be something simple just like clicking around the screen? Tell me what you think, I really like idea of thinking outside the box, really I cant wait to play this game!