Brahmajāla Sutta

The Discourse on Brahma's Net

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Translated by Max Makki

The Round of Conditions and Liberation From the Round

The Round of Sensory Contact

"Monks, those recluses and Brahmans who:

  • Upon four grounds theorize that the world and the soul are eternal
  • Upon four grounds theorize that the world and the soul are partially eternal
  • Upon four grounds theorize that the world is finite or infinite
  • Upon four grounds, like in eel twisting and turning, resort to equivocation when others question their positions
  • Upon two grounds theorize that the soul and the world originate without cause
  • Upon eighteen grounds formulate theories about the past
  • Upon sixteen grounds theorize that consciousness survives death
  • Upon eight grounds theorize that consciousness does not survive death
  • Upon eight grounds theorize that consciousness neither survives death nor doesn't survive death
  • Upon seven grounds theorize that living beings can be annihilated
  • Upon five grounds assert that living beings can find happiness and total salvation in this world

are conditioned by contact via the sense-organs. It is impossible for them to experience these feelings otherwise."
