Sīlakkhandha Vagga

Division Concerning Morality

DN 1 | Brahmajāla Sutta

(The Discourse on Brahma's Net)

How do honorable beings conclude that consciousness survives death? The Buddha addresses this and other questions in his discourse on Brahmā's net—a metaphorical sixty-two grid net. Each grid within the net represents a theory used by recluses and Brahmans who speculate about the past and future.
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DN 2 | Sāmaññaphala Sutta

(The Fruits of Recluseship)

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DN 3 | Ambaṭṭha Sutta

(To Ambattha)

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DN 4 | Soṇadaṇḍa Sutta

(To Sonadanda)

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DN 5 | Kūṭadanta Sutta

(To Kutadanta)

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DN 6 | Mahāli Sutta

(To Mahali)

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DN 7 | Jāliya Sutta

(To Jaliya)

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DN 8 | Mahāsīhanāda Sutta

(The Lion's Roar to Kassapa)

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DN 9 | Poṭṭhapāda Sutta

(To Potthapada)

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DN 10 | Subha Sutta

(To Subha)
